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Text File | 1995-06-01 | 41.0 KB | 1,174 lines |
- +===========================+
- | DARK FORCES SPECS v 1.00 |
- +===========================+
- Author : Yves BORCKMANS (yborckmans@abcomp.be (work))
- (Please state the package version when you email me)
- Credits: Serge DEBROEYER
- for adjoin/mirror tips, some flags, some INF tips,
- complex sectors errors, ...
- Don SIELKE (DSielke@aol.com)
- for the complete flags list, the -u option, ...
- Florian ENGELHARDT (100442.2012@compuserve.com)
- for information on GMD files
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Dark Forces is (c) LucasArts Entertainment Company |
- | DOOM is (c) iD Software |
- | |
- | None of these have anything to do with these totally unofficial specs, |
- | and shouldn't be bothered with them in any way. |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Welcome to the "DARK FORCES SPECS" !
- As you will rapidly see, there are still a lot of unknown things in these specs.
- But as they are diminishing very quickly, I found it was time to write them
- down in a "formal" way, which can serve as a reference.
- As always, nothing is as good as seeing how professionnals do it, so don't
- hesitate to go and see how the LucasArt team did it.
- I will also try to explain differences with DOOM level making where applicable,
- so if you have experience in that domain, look for the DOOM markings.
- Note : I will frequently use the following abbreviations
- - DF = Dark Forces
- - LEC = LucasArts Entertainment Company
- - SC = sector
- - WL = wall
- - VX = vertex
- - OB = object
- - TX = texture
- Changes since previous release have been marked [NEW].
- +-------------------+
- +-------------------+
- 2.1 Basics
- 2.2 File Description
- 3. FLAGS
- 3.1 Sector Flags
- 2.3 Wall Flags
- 6. O FILES
- 6.1 Basics
- 6.2 File Description
- 12. 3DO FILES
- +-------------------------+
- +-------------------------+
- Dark Forces contains a huge amount of files, and these are grouped by type in
- what are called GOB files. These are quite similar in principle to DOOM WAD
- files, but at a higher level. They serve as containers for other files which
- in turn contain information. DOOM WADS directly contain the information.
- These files can be extracted from the GOB and worked upon, then be used in the
- game.
- LEC made a very good job at this :
- 1. if you place a file in your game directory, DF will take it there before
- looking for it in its GOB.
- 2. if you launch DF with the -u option, it will look into the specified .gob
- ( dark -umylevel.gob ). This is probably the best method to distribute
- levels.
- A very important file "JEDI.LVL" contains the names of all the levels in the
- game. Sadly, editing it doesn't work further than the briefing because the
- level names are hardcoded in dfbrief.lfd .
- What you CAN do however is change the levels titles there.
- The levels themselves are each one composed of 6 files, found in dark.gob .
- - name.LEV : geometry (static) (DOOM SECTORS, LINEDEFS/SIDEDEFS, VERTEXES)
- - name.INF : workings (dynamic) (no DOOM equivalent except the TAG concept)
- - name.GOL : goals (no DOOM equivalent)
- - name.O : objects (DOOM THINGS)
- - name.PAL : palette (DOOM PLAYPAL 0 (not the 'hit' palettes))
- - name.CMP : palette mappings (DOOM COLORMAP)
- Textures are stored in .BM files, as are the weapons display, and so on.
- Sounds are stored in .VOC files (normal Creative Labs format).
- Objects are stored in the following files depending on their type :
- - obj.3DO : 3D object (real 3D)
- - obj.FME : FRAME (a "one view" object)
- - obj.WAX : SPRITE (ie all the ennemies)
- - obj.VOC : SOUND (any sound)
- There are many other inexplored files, including but not limited to :
- - briefings
- - cutscenes
- - fonts
- - vues (in level animations : ie your vessel landing)
- The following text will now become "quite technical" ...
- +----------------+
- | 1. GOB FILES |
- +----------------+
- GOB files are a repository for many other files. They contain a header with a
- signature, a data part and an index part.
- Their structure follows :
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | 0000 GOB_MAGIC char[4] is 'GOB' followed by 0x0A |
- | 0004 +-MASTERX long offset to MASTERN |
- | | MASTERX+4 is the offset of FILE1 data |
- | 0008 | FILE1 bytes data for FILE1 |
- | xxxx | FILE2 bytes data for FILE2 |
- | .... | ... |
- | xxxx | FILEn bytes data for FILEn |
- | yy +>MASTERN long number of files in the GOB |
- | yy+4 INDEX1 GOB_INDEX index to FILE1 |
- | yy+25 INDEX2 GOB_INDEX index to FILE2 |
- | .... ... |
- | zzzz INDEXn GOB_INDEX index to FILEn |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- The GOB_INDEX format is :
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | 0000 IX long offset of the start of the file |
- | 0003 LEN long lenght of the file |
- | 0007 NAME char[13] name of the file |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- DOOM note : this structure is quite similar to that of a WAD file, the small
- difference is that in WADS the MASTERN field is at the beginning
- of the file, between WAD_MAGIC and MASTERX.
- +----------------+
- | 2. LEV FILES |
- +----------------+
- LEV files contain a complete level geometry. They are in a very understandable
- but quite complex text format. They are also huge (generally > 600K).
- This isn't a problem, as you really cannot edit them as a text file, because of
- the many dependencies between the geometry elements.
- 2.1. BASICS
- ______
- Geometry elements are :
- -VERTEX : a point in a 2 dimension projection (X and Z)
- -WALLS : a line joining 2 vertices
- -SECTOR : a collection of walls
- generally closed but this isn't mandatory
- can contain "gaps" or other sectors
- As the game works with a two dimension projection, the third (Y)
- dimension is coded at the sector level by a floor altitude and a ceiling
- altitude. Note that this imply that floors and ceilings are always FLAT.
- Sectors can however be layered on top of one another to give a "full 3D"
- feeling. This is a whole new concept for DOOM levels designers.
- Each sector is coded with its walls and vertices, and is completely self
- contained (there is no DOOM like vertex and linedef sharing).
- The relation between sectors is done at the wall level by the
- adjoin/mirror/walk mechanism.
- 1--------2 Sector 1 has 5 vertices (0 to 4) marked 0 1 2 A B
- | | 5 walls including AB (wall 3)
- | S1 |
- | | Sector 2 has 4 vertices (0 to 3) marked 0 1 B A
- 0---B====A 4 walls including BA (wall 2)
- | S2 |
- 1----0
- It is VERY important to note that there are 2 vertices at point A,
- two vertices at point B and 2 walls marked ==== . As I said above,
- sectors are self contained.
- So, to come back to the adjoin/mirror/walk mechanism, if S1 and S2
- must be connected, an adjoin/mirror relation must be established.
- +----1---+
- | |
- 0 2
- | 4 3 |
- +---+====+
- 1 2 3
- +--0-+
- This is quite simple : the adjoin is the number of the connected sector,
- and the mirror is the number of the connexion wall.
- So we would need to set
- - in S1 : W3.adjoin = S2 and W3.mirror = 2 AND
- - in S2 : W2.adjoin = S1 and W2.mirror = 3
- For the walk values, we would need to set
- - in S1 : W3.walk = S2
- - in S2 : W2.walk = S1
- Just to be complete, if there is no adjoin/mirror/walk, the value is -1.
- Note to DOOM designers : there is no node building to do on these levels.
- This is done at each load of the level by the DF exe and is very fast.
- Correction to this: I'm not sure that a BSP is done at all !
- There certainly are checks at level loading time, but a few tests on
- complicated sectors seem to show 'errors' in texturing or HOM problems.
- In fact, it seems that big non-convex sectors are problematic.
- Maybe you just have to try and create a few 'more convex' sectors instead.
- If you want to create a BSP for LEV files, don't forget you cannot split
- elevators nor change the walls numbers (triggers), so good luck !
- More on this later.
- A quick note on MID, TOP and BOT textures:
- When you have adjacent sectors:
- TOP is ABOVE the ceiling of the other SC
- BOT is BELOW the floor of the other SC
- MID is everywhere you can see through to the other SC
- Of course, the MID texture is not shown when walls are adjoined, so that
- you can see through! (Note: WL flag 3, bit 1 forces it back in place)
- This is exactly the same as DOOM texturing, just note that there are two
- different walls, not one linedef with two sidedefs.
- ________________
- The LEV file is composed of 4 parts :
- - magic and version number
- - general level info
- - texture table
- - geometry description ie sectors, walls, vertices data
- The following comments are accepted:
- # comment
- DATA # comment
- 2.2.1. Magic and version number
- ------------------------
- This is trivial.
- | LEV 2.1
- 2.2.2. General Level Info
- ------------------
- This part contains the following data (sample from secbase.lev):
- | PARALLAX 1024.0000 1024.0000
- After a little testing, it seems that LEVELNAME, PALETTE and MUSIC aren't
- used at all by DF. (I even cannot find AVENGE.GMD !)
- [NEW]
- PARALLAX determines how much the "exterior" backgrounds scroll as you
- turn. 1024 1024 means as you turn around 360 degrees, you will see
- 1024 pixel columns of background sky. Vertical PARALLAX is similar,
- although of course you can't pitch 360 degrees in DF.
- 2.2.3. Texture Table
- -------------
- As there is a lot of TX information in a level, a texture table is
- created to avoid storing TX names in full at each occurrence.
- Coding sample :
- | TEXTURES 85 # number of textures
- | TEXTURE: TEX00.BM # texture 0
- | TEXTURE: TEX01.BM # texture 1
- | ...
- | TEXTURE: TEX84.BM # texture 84
- Afterwards, all the TXs are refered to by their 0 based index in this
- texture table.
- 2.2.4. Geometry description
- --------------------
- The first data is the total number of sectors in the level :
- | NUMSECTORS number_of_sectors
- Then each sector is described, with its vertices and walls.
- Please note that the wall data is on ONE line, but has been splitted
- here for visual convenience.
- | SECTOR scnum
- | NAME sector_name
- | AMBIENT 20
- | FLOOR TEXTURE 80 -0.38 -0.06 2
- | CEILING TEXTURE 0 0.00 0.00 2
- | FLAGS 0 0 0
- | LAYER 1
- |
- | VERTICES vxnum
- | X: 252.00 Z: 224.00 # a vx
- | ...
- |
- | WALLS wlnum
- \ MID: 0 0.00 0.00 0
- \ TOP: 1 0.00 0.00 0
- \ BOT: 2 0.17 0.00 0
- \ SIGN: -1 0.00 0.00
- \ ADJOIN: 57 MIRROR: 0 WALK: 57
- \ FLAGS: 0 0 0
- \ LIGHT: 5
- | ...
- Hmmm... heavy information!
- Let's take it line by line, it's not too difficult.
- | SECTOR scnum
- This is the sector number, it is zero based.
- | NAME sector_name
- This is both a link to the .INF file and a useful reminder.
- | AMBIENT 20
- Ambient light level in this sector.
- | FLOOR TEXTURE 80 -0.38 -0.06 2
- The TX to apply to the floor of the SC as an index in the TX table.
- The following two floats are the X and Z offsets by which the TX must
- be moved before being mapped.
- The third (int) value is unknown.
- It seems that floor textures must be 64x64, or the game engine does
- strange things.
- The altitude of the floor of this SC. Note that the Y axis goes "down",
- so higher altitudes have lower values.
- | CEILING TEXTURE 0 0.00 0.00 2
- Same as floor.
- This is used to indicate a second "floor" altitude in a sector.
- For instance, a second altitude of 4 will make you "enter into the floor"
- 4 deep. It will in addition make the sector waterlike and generate a
- splashing sound.
- If you set a negative second altitude, you will be able to walk higher on
- the sector, provided you also enter the sector higher. This is the way
- platforms are created (the platform object is only a visual clue).
- | FLAGS 0 0 0
- Three flags, the second of which is never used in the 14 original levels.
- Change various things in the sector. - Described below.
- | LAYER 1
- The layer on which the SC is (positive, 0 or negative).
- This value is used in the game to make different maps corresponding to
- zones of altitude.
- Note that this is only a logical grouping.
- | VERTICES vxnum
- This is the number of vertices that this SC has.
- | X: 252.00 Z: 224.00 # a vx
- List of the VXs. X and Z are trivial.
- | WALLS wlnum
- This is the number of walls that this SC has.
- These are the origin and destination vertices for this wall.
- \ MID: 0 0.00 0.00 0
- The TX to apply to the middle of the WL as an index in the TX table.
- The following two floats are the X and Y offsets by which the TX must
- be moved before being mapped (remember Y goes down).
- The third (int) value is unknown.
- \ TOP: 1 0.00 0.00 0
- The TX to apply to the top of the WL as an index in the TX table.
- The following two floats are the X and Y offsets by which the TX must
- be moved before being mapped (remember Y goes down).
- The third (int) value is unknown.
- \ BOT: 2 0.17 0.00 0
- The TX to apply to the bottom of the WL as an index in the TX table.
- The following two floats are the X and Y offsets by which the TX must
- be moved before being mapped (remember Y goes down).
- The third (int) value is unknown.
- \ SIGN: -1 0.00 0.00
- A sign is a second TX on the same WL, its main use is to place switches.
- First is the TX to apply to a sign on the WL as an index in the TX table.
- The following two floats are the X and Y offsets by which the TX must
- be moved before being mapped (remember Y goes down). Also note that this
- is relative to the texturing of the wall. So if you offset the WALL, you
- have to add this offset to that of the SIGN.
- \ ADJOIN: 57 MIRROR: 0 WALK: 57
- See the BASICS section.
- \ FLAGS: 0 0 0
- Three flags.
- Change various things in the wall. - Described below.
- \ LIGHT: 5
- Relative modification of the luminosity on this specific WL.
- So this is it for the LEV files. As you can see, it is totally
- impossible to edit as text, except perhaps to change a TX name in the
- TX table, which is an ultra fast way to relook a level !
- the int value after textures offsets
- +----------------+
- | 3. FLAGS |
- +----------------+
- These are the currently known values for the various sector and wall flags.
- ------------
- * FLAG 1
- +-----------------------------------+
- | 2 DOOR | instant door
- | 4 SHOT REFLEXION / MAG.SEAL | walls reflect weapon shots
- | 8 EXTERIOR ADJOIN | for adjacent skys with != alt.
- | 32 SNOW FLOOR |
- | 64 EXPLODING WALL/DOOR | instant exploding door
- | 256 EXTERIOR FLOOR ADJOIN | for adjacent pits with != alt.
- | 1024 NO WALL DRAW / "HORIZON" | horizon moves with eye level
- | 2048 LOW DAMAGE |
- | 4096 HIGH DAMAGE (both = GAS) | both can be combined for GAS
- | 32768 SUBSECTOR | player won't follow moving SC
- | 65536 SAFE SECTOR |
- | 131072 RENDERED (do not use!) |
- | 262144 PLAYER (do not use!) |
- | 524288 SECRET SECTOR | increments the %secret when entered
- +-----------------------------------+
- * FLAG 2 isn't used in the 14 original levels.
- * FLAG 3 only serves as an extra lighting value in TALAY.
- ----------
- * FLAG 1
- +-----------------------------------+
- | 1 ADJOINING MID TX | the MID TX is NOT removed
- | 1024 HIDE ON MAP |
- | 2048 SHOW ON MAP |
- | 4096 SIGN ANCHORED |
- | 16384 SHOW AS LEDGE ON MAP |
- | 32768 SHOW AS DOOR ON MAP |
- +-----------------------------------+
- * FLAG 2 is unused.
- * FLAG 3
- +-----------------------------------+
- +-----------------------------------+
- +----------------+
- | 4. INF FILES |
- +----------------+
- INF files are text files written in "the INF programming language".
- They accept C like /* */ comments.
- They are linked to the SCs via the SC names, and
- to the WLs via the SC names and WL number.
- The basic items defined in the .INF are
- - triggers : * they trigger something in their 'clients'.
- - elevators : * they receive messages and act upon them,
- possibly sending other messages, and so on.
- * they may also have 'slaves' following their every action.
- Elevators are to be taken very widely :
- elevator basic
- elevator change_light
- elevator change_wall_light
- elevator door
- elevator door_mid
- elevator inv
- elevator morph_move1
- elevator morph_move2
- elevator morph_spin1
- elevator morph_spin2
- elevator move_ceiling
- elevator move_fc (floor and ceiling together use @ stops !)
- elevator move_floor
- elevator rotate_wall
- elevator scroll_ceiling
- elevator scroll_floor
- elevator scroll_wall
- elevator teleporter chute [NEW]
- The variables in the language are the positions of the elevators created by
- the programmer (a lot of them in "dummy" (ie never accessible) sectors).
- Those positions are marked by 'stop:' keywords. The values following may be
- absolute or relative in which case they are prepended with a '@'. Note that
- the 'stop' unit is dependent of the elevator type. It may be floor altitude,
- ceiling altitude, ambient or light level, degrees ...
- The whole thing works by triggering/sending messages across the items and
- reacting to them differently depending on the "variables". Other actions can
- also be executed, such as adjoining, terminating, pausing and waking up (OB),
- playing a sound, playing an animation, ...
- Here is a quick list of some of the messages :
- [stop] [sector]
- [stop] [sector[(wall)]] clear_bits flagnum bitnum
- [stop] [sector] complete num
- [stop] [sector[(wall)] done
- [stop] [sector] goto_stop num
- [stop] [sector] master_on [value]
- [stop] [sector] master_off [value]
- [stop] [sector[(wall)]] m_trigger [value]
- [stop] [sector] next_stop
- [stop] [sector] prev_stop
- [stop] [sector[(wall)]] set_bits flagnum bitnum
- [stop] [sector] wakeup
- [stop] system lights (in TALAY uses SC flag 3)
- trigger ?? (in FUELSTAT.INF line 391)
- The [stop] is the stop at which the message will be send.
- So when you look at an INF file and you see something like :
- class: elevator EEEEEE
- stop: 0
- message: 0 MMMMMM
- stop: 1
- message: 1 MMMMMM
- it's only a visual clue, and you could group all the messages in one place and
- in any order. Important : if you add a stop, you may have to renum !
- Note that the elevators START at their stop 0, but the messages are send when
- the elevators ARRIVE at a stop. So the messages set up at stop 0 won't be
- send at level startup.
- And a list of the triggers :
- trigger
- trigger single
- trigger switch1
- trigger standard
- trigger toggle
- The triggers react only to determinate events : this is called the event_mask.
- Some possible values follow :
- 1 WALK FROM INSIDE ( line trigger )
- 2 WALK FROM OUTSIDE ( line trigger )
- 4 ENTER SECTOR ( sector trigger )
- 8 LEAVE SECTOR ( sector trigger )
- 16 NUDGE FROM INSIDE ( sector / line )
- 32 NUDGE FROM OUTSIDE ( sector / line )
- 64 ??
- 128 ??
- 256 FIRE ( line trigger with entity_mask: 8 )
- 512 ?? used once in ARC.INF
- If you want to use a 'fire on it' trigger, you have to change the
- entity_mask (ie what do you use to trigger) to 8.
- If you want to both fire and nudge for instance, use entity_mask: *
- The programming language is a little object oriented like, as you have default
- items in which you override only the fields you need. It is very powerful, and
- lets you to a certain extent dynamically modify the level.
- Here are some basic values (of course, not all elevators have them all!) :
- MASTER (master item switch : may be on or off)
- As I don't have the time to compile a formal definition of the language, I give
- you the following advise : use a GREP like utility to generate a list of
- triggers, messages and elevators from all the .INF in the game, complete with
- filename and line numbers. This will make you a "reference" very useful to go
- and see how the LEC programmers do it.
- Note : don't forget to change the 'items' value when you modify an INF.
- To DOOM level makers : this may seem complicated, but I remember a WAD of mine
- with a long corridor with 19 consecutive linedefs doing modifications to the
- look of the level... then I remember spacing the linedefs so that some actions
- where finished before some others... then the player ran in the corridor...
- +----------------+
- | 5. GOL FILES |
- +----------------+
- GOL files contain a description of what to do to complete the levels.
- Sample code:
- | GOL 1.0
- | GOAL: 0 ITEM: 5 # DT weapon
- | GOAL: 1 TRIG: 1
- Each GOAL: can be a TRIG: to fire or an ITEM: to take.
- 'Goal triggers' are fired in the .INF file with the 'complete num' keyword sent
- to the complete sector (don't get confused here!).
- For instance, " message: s complete complete 1 "
- will say that TRIG: 1 is complete!
- 'Goal objects' fire internal triggers because of their logic. That internal
- trigger seems to be equivalent to " message: s complete next_stop "
- So, be sure that complete is at a correct hold point when the object is taken.
- Try to do nothing else in complete than handling the goals.
- If necessary, start another 'level control' elevator very early.
- Object numbers are in an internal table at runtime.
- The broken Dark Trooper weapon for instance has the number 5 (see TALAY.GOL).
- If you want to make the player retrieve it in a SECBASE modification, just
- change the value of item to 5 in SECBASE.GOL (don't forget to put this object
- in your .O file).
- The message on the screen will be correct because the object has
- LOGIC: DT_WEAPON, and your OBJectives screen will be updated.
- But note that it still says 'retrieve death star plans'. Changing that means
- understanding the lfd format (which is most probably graphical !).
- Here are the screen messages associated with the goal objects, you can patch
- them in text.msg .
- | 400 1: "Death Star Plans" for object 0
- | 401 1: "Phrik Metal" for object 1
- | 402 1: "Nava Card" for object 2
- | 405 1: "Dark Trooper Weapon" for object 5
- | 406 1: "Data Tape" for object 4
- Object 6 is 'Your Gear' as used in the JABSHIP level and has the text
- | 312 1: "Your Gear"
- in the 'Power-Up Pickup Messages' section of the same text.msg file.
- Final note: don't assume the goals will happen in the .GOL order !
- +----------------+
- | 6. O FILES |
- +----------------+
- O files contain all the level objects.
- They are in a very understandable but a little complex text format.
- They accept C like /* */ comments.
- 6.1. BASICS
- ______
- There are many different object types in Dark Forces:
- - SPIRIT : an object not linked to a viewable file (ie invisible)
- Its main use is for the PLAYER, but you can create other
- invisible items. [NEW]
- - SAFE : a restart point after the player died.
- You should put SAFEs in your levels, to allow the player to
- restart not far from where he died, but also because it seems
- to be the best bet as 'player starting points' if LEC produces
- a multiplayer version. (Put 8+ of them so you'll be ... safe!)
- - SPRITE : fully animated objects such as ennemies.
- - FRAME : "one view" objects such as energy power ups.
- - 3D : 3D objects such as mousebots.
- - SOUND : an ambient sound around the object position.
- ________________
- The O file is composed of 4 parts :
- - magic and version number
- - level name
- - objects tables
- - object descriptions
- 6.2.1. Magic and version number
- ------------------------
- This is trivial.
- | O 1.1
- 6.2.2. Level Name
- ----------
- I'm not sure this is used in DF !
- 6.2.3. Object tables
- -------------
- As there is a lot of OB information in a level, 4 object tables are
- created to avoid storing OB names in full at each occurrence.
- Coding sample :
- | PODS 3 # These are the "3D" objects
- | POD: DEATH.3DO # 00
- | ...
- |
- | SPRS 10
- | ...
- |
- | FMES 6
- | ...
- |
- | SOUNDS 1
- | ...
- Afterwards, all the OBs are refered to by their 0 based index in the
- object tables. The object CLASS determines in which table to look.
- 6.2.4. Object descriptions
- -------------------
- The first data is the total number of objects in the level :
- | OBJECTS 185
- Then each object is described.
- Please note that the object data first line has been splitted here for
- visual convenience.
- | CLASS: SPIRIT DATA: 0 X: 131.00 Y: 0.00 Z: 210.00
- PCH: 0.00 YAW: 176.34 ROL: 0.00
- DIFF: 1
- | SEQ
- |
- | CLASS: SPRITE DATA: 0 X: 320.62 Y: 20.00 Z: 275.64
- \ PCH: 0.00 YAW: 270.00 ROL: 0.00
- \ DIFF: 1
- | SEQ
- This is quite easy : CLASS is the type of object, and DATA is the
- offset in the corresponding object table (SPIRIT and SAFE have DATA = 0).
- X, Y, Z are trivial.
- PCH, YAW, ROL are classic spatial orientation, but only YAW is really
- used (DOOM equivalent is THING orientation). It takes a value in degrees
- where 0 is at the "top of the screen when you look at the map". The
- value increases clockwise.
- DIFF is the difficulty level at which the object appears.
- +------+------------------+
- +------+------------------+
- | -3 | X X X |
- | -2 | X X |
- | -1 | X |
- | 0 | X X X |
- | 1 | X X X |
- | 2 | X X |
- | 3 | X |
- +------+------------------+
- SEQ and SEQEND are delimiters for a series of options/modifiers to apply
- to the object. They determine part of its behaviour ( LOGIC: ).
- For instance, if you take a mousebot and set it the LOGIC: of a
- stormtrooper, you'll end up with an unmoving lifeless mousebot.
- [NEW]
- It seems that the keywords TYPE: and LOGIC: are freely swappable, as are
- UPDATE and ANIM, and that the ITEM keyword is optional, but this has to
- be tested fully.
- Note that the same viewable file may be used to create 'different'
- objects. For instance, OFFCFIN.WAX may be used with a TYPE: I_OFFICER
- or TYPE: I_OFFICERR (note the second 'R') which will generate a red key
- when killed.
- The other use of this is to create object generators.
- Here is a quite self explaining sample:
- | CLASS: SPRITE DATA: 4 X: 396.88 Y: -2.00 Z: 217.48
- \ PCH: 0.00 YAW: 0.00 ROL: 0.00 DIFF: 1
- | SEQ
- | DELAY: 0
- | INTERVAL: 20
- | MAX_ALIVE: 1
- | MAX_DIST: 200
- | MIN_DIST: 70
- What is not clear is WHEN they are generated. What I know is that they
- are never generated while you look directly at the generator !
- Also note that you can set MASTER: OFF on a generator, and activate it
- by sending a message: s master_on to the sector that contains it. [NEW]
- [NEW] I set as unknown the workings of the KYL3DO object in the previous
- specs, but it works perfectly well. You just have to use the same
- coordinates as they are hardcoded !
- exact generator workings
- +----------------+
- | 7. PAL FILES |
- +----------------+
- PAL files store a single 256 colors palette as 256 x 3 RGB bytes.
- Each level can have its own palette.
- +----------------+
- | 8. CMP FILES |
- +----------------+
- CMP file seem to store palette mappings (like DOOM COLORMAP).
- They contain 32 times 256 bytes for light levels 0 to 31.
- Note that colors from 0 to 31 are never modified. Keep this in mind if you
- design textures. They can follow the lights or not at your own convenience.
- There are 128 other unknown bytes at the end of the file forming a slow
- gradient from 0x00 to 0x1F. I don't know what they are for.
- +----------------+
- | 9. BM FILES |
- +----------------+
- Here is the C structure for the BM file header.
- struct BM_header
- {
- char MAGIC[4];
- int SizeX; /* if X = 1 then multiple BM in the file */
- int SizeY;
- int idemX;
- int idemY;
- byte transparent; /* 0x36 for normal, 0x3E for transparent */
- byte logSizeY; /* ie logSizeY = log2(SizeY) */
- int Compressed; /* 0 = not compressed, 1 = compressed */
- long DataSize; /* excluding header */
- char filler[12];
- };
- Please note that BMs must have a height which is a power of 2.
- The data follows, encoded by COLUMNS from the bottom to the top.
- Transparent BMs :
- ---------------
- You can transform any BM in a 'transparent' BM by changing its transparent
- value from 0x36 to 0x3E. The color 0 will 'disappear'.
- Note that this isn't the same color as the one used in DOOM transparent
- textures (cyan in the DOOM palette).
- Multiple BMs :
- ------------
- If SizeX == 1 BM file contains idemY BMs.
- There follow two bytes, the first of which permits to distinguish between
- 'switches' (if == 0) and 'animated textures'. It is the speed of animation
- (maybe in frames per second). You may alter this value if you want to.
- The second is 2.
- Then follows a table of offsets to the 'sub' BMs composed of idemY BMs.
- Each 'sub' BM then has its own header WITHOUT the MAGIC field (ie 28 bytes),
- with some slight modifications (I'll check later!).
- Important note: for a multiple BM to work correctly, it must be made a 'SIGN',
- AND for switches there MUST also exist a corresponding trigger in the .INF
- Else, switches will be displayed wrong (as a single column) and the animated
- will display correctly, but static. This means that you cannot do animated
- floors and ceilings this way!
- Compressed BMs :
- --------------
- If compressed == 1 BM is compressed.
- These existed in the DEMO (buyit.bm), but I'm not sure if there are any in the
- full game. They use a mixed direct/RLE coding. In the demo, wait.bm also used
- yet another coding, but it's a perfectly normal BM in the full game.
- Here we go. Fasten seat belts!
- The heart of the data is a 'columns starts' table, with the start addresses of
- each of the columns. It is at the end of the file, at offset DataSize,
- and has one long entry per column containing this column start address.
- This start address is calculated without the 32 bytes BM header
- (ie read the header in a struct, then the data in a HUGE buffer at offset 0).
- The coding of one column follows (in a pseudo pseudocode format!).
- while(end of data for this column not reached)
- {
- if(buffer[adr] <= 128)
- the FOLLOWING n bytes are direct values
- else
- the FOLLOWING byte is a color byte to repeat n-128 times
- }
- There was an 0xFF last byte marker per column. However,I do prefer to
- calculate the end of the column data by using the start of next column, as
- this is more like the FME and WAX reading technique.
- A slight variation of this compression is used in the frames and the sprites.
- You may unfasten your seat belts!
- +----------------+
- | 10. FME FILES |
- +----------------+
- Contains the frames, which are the "one view" objects
- (you can turn around them, and always see the same image).
- Here are the C structures for the FME file headers.
- struct FME_header1
- {
- long u1;
- long u2;
- long u3;
- long header2; /* this is the absolute adress of header2 */
- char unknown[16];
- }
- struct FME_header2
- {
- int SizeX;
- int u1;
- int SizeY;
- int u2;
- int Compressed;
- int u3;
- long DataSize;
- char fil[8];
- };
- There are at least two formats for these.
- If Compressed == 0 the format it very similar to the BM format, with just the
- header rearranged.
- The header 1 is totaly unknown except for the field header2.
- The header 2 contains the X and Y sizes, and the data follows, encoded
- by COLUMNS from the bottom to the top.
- With Compressed == 1, the format looks like the compressed BM used in the demo
- level, also with the header modifications (see).
- Four differences :
- * the 'column starts' table is at the top of the file, just after the header.
- * you have to offset the adresses by -24 (they counted only header 1 ?)
- * the end of column data marker isn't there.
- * the backgroud color is always 0 (transparent) and ISN'T CODED.
- (there was a color byte in the BM compressed format).
- There are two negative longs right at the beginning of header 1 that I don't
- understand.
- UNKNOWNS : what's in FME_header1
- +----------------+
- | 11. WAX FILES |
- +----------------+
- Contains the sprites.
- These are a collection of embedded FME files. They contain a table with
- 32 entries (offset to first entry = 0x000000BC). Each of these entry points to
- a table containing adresses of a complete embedded enhanced FME file.
- Take care to read that one properly (ie using the header2 offset in header1)
- as there are multiple consecutive header1 !
- As I began to wrote a viewer for these, I tried all the 32 first table entries
- for a few waxes. Though they followed a different path through the pointers in
- the file, I always get the same image ??? I'll try to find more later.
- UNKNOWNS : exact FILE FORMAT and details
- +----------------+
- | 12. 3DO FILES |
- +----------------+
- Contains the "3D" objects.
- (samples : MOUSEBOT, the DEATH STAR HOLOGRAM, ...)
- These are text files containing a geometric description of a full 3D object.
- I really don't have time now, but it should be quite easy to understand.
- UNKNOWNS : everything!
- +----------------+
- | 13. VOC FILES |
- +----------------+
- Contains the sounds.
- These are standard .VOC files in the Creative Labs format.
- +----------------+
- | 14. GMD FILES | [NEW]
- +----------------+
- Contains the musics.
- The GMD files are SMF files type 2 (SMF = Standard Midi Files), but they've got
- a different header. If you want to convert the header, you'll have to delete
- everything BEFORE the string "MThd", so that the file begins with that string.
- After you've done that, you can play/edit the file with any type 2 compatible
- MIDI sequencer program.
- +----------------+
- | 15. MSG FILES |
- +----------------+
- Contains the text messages used in the game.
- local.msg contains error messages and should be left untouched.
- text.msg however can be patched. The use of this is to create new messages
- that you can use in your levels (create a trigger, use text: ttt).
- General format:
- | MSG 1.0
- |
- | MSGS 119
- |
- | # internal game messages
- | 0 0: "Joystick Off"
- | ...
- | END
- MSGS is the number of messages. Don't forget to update it if you add messages.
- I found no problems by adding messages at 900 and more.
- | 900 1: "Hurry up !"
- I don't know what the second number ( ie 0: ) is for. I use 1:
- Here are also the 'cheat messages' from 700 onwards. Just so you know where to
- insert a few 'Cheater!' and 'Chicken Mode ON' ...
- +------------------+
- | 16. CHEAT CODES |
- +------------------+
- Just in case you haven't found them anywhere else !
- I've also shown the equivalent cheat for DOOMers.
- LABUG bug mode
- LACDS map with things (IDDT x2)
- LADATA coordinates & %secret (IDMYPOS)
- LAIMLAME total invincibility (IDDQD)
- LANTFH teleport to a safe
- LAPOGO allow to climb any height (IDSPISPOPD / IDCLIP w/o walking thru)
- LAPOSTAL get weapons and ammo (IDFA)
- LARANDY weapon super charge
- LAREDLITE freeze ennemies
- LASKIP finishes current level
- LAUNLOCK get all the keys (the 'K' of IDKFA)
- LAlevel jump to level (IDCLEV)